Best Stocks and Shares ISA Options in the UK, free of UK income tax and capital gains tax. However, the value of your investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invest. This is why it’s important to think long-term, at least five years, and consider a risk assessment to determine how comfortable you are with investment risk.
You can open a stocks and shares ISA through the website or app of many brokers, or sometimes you can even call up and arrange it in person. You’ll need to think about the type of investments you want to buy, and how much you can afford to invest in total each year.
Best Stocks and Shares ISA Options in the UK: Maximize Your Tax-Free Savings
It’s also important to look at the fees that you may be charged when choosing a stocks and shares ISA, as these can eat into your returns over time. These include ongoing platform fees, trading fees and fund custody charges (which are a fee charged by brokers when they hold your investment funds).
If you’re a beginner investor then you should aim to choose a stocks and shares ISA with low or no platform fees. You can find these accounts through robo-advisors like Dodl, Wealthify or Moneyfarm, or through DIY platforms such as AJ Bell, Hargreaves Lansdown, or Interactive Investor. More experienced investors can consider a fully-managed ISA, where the provider decides where to invest your money for you, though you’ll usually pay higher fees for this.…